I’m delighted to be hosting #BlogFlash2012 – 30 Days, 30 Prompts 30 Posts.
If you’d like to jump on board, it’s not too late!
Don’t forget to leave your “Day Nine – Journey” post link in the comments below so I can stop by!
#BlogFlash2012: Day Nine – Journey
I hope you’ll forgive my child-centric posts this week. I’m spending two weeks with my eldest daughter Jen, her hubby, Dave, and their family-Sammy, 5, Matthew, 4, Lulu, aka Alexandra Grace, 17 months, and Emily Rose, 2 days. On August 14, we leave; in the meantime, as I’m fully immersed, it’s hard to think of anything other than kids. (Thank you for your patience!)
This week, on my journey into childhood, I’ve been a fireman, a horse, and a plane. I’ve dug for worms in the yard, hunted for a (‘real’) triceratops, and watched two little boys climb a mountain made of mulch.
Childhood innocence is precious-their assumptions, the questions they ask. But it’s the wonder that moves and inspires me. In an age where religion is mocked and contempt often passes as intelligence, it’s easy to grow cynical. Seeing the world through the eyes of a child we realize how small we really are. We see, if for only a moment, the magic, and realize that this crazy old world truly is a wondrous place!
Word count: 113
Another classic Matthew (4):
‘TT? Pelicans eat fish, right?’
‘Yes, sweetie. Pelicans eat fish.’
‘And they dive for the fish, right?’
‘They do.’
‘But they don’t live in the water, right? They live on top of the water.’
‘That’s right, Matthew.’
‘So’-thinks for a few seconds-‘ if they have to hold their nose when they go under water, how come they don’t get boogers?’
Easy Bake Project (ages 4+)
Richest, Yummiest Chocolate Cake Ever
Chocolate cake mix
½ large bag semisweet chocolate chips
Large box (5.9 ounces) instant chocolate pudding
½ cup confectioner’s sugar
2 cups whole milk
1) Mix cake according to instructions on package;
2) Before pouring into prepared pan, stir in chocolate chips
3) Bake according to instructions.
4) Remove from oven. While still hot, using the handle of a small spoon or some other (safe) round object-we used wooden skewers-poke holes in the cake;
5) Mix pudding, confectioner’s sugar, and milk just until smooth. Do not over mix – the pudding should be thin.
6) Pour ½ pudding mix over cake, swirling so that the pudding seeps into the cake;
7) When pudding thickens, spread over top of cake (this will be your frosting);
8) Decorate with colorful nonpareils or other cake decorations, if desired.
We used a gluten-free cake mix and a 9″ round pan. The chocolate chips gave the cake a rich brownie-like texture – positively scrumptious with the pudding filling and frosting. This project was easy to make and a snap to clean up. From start to finish, it took about 90 minutes and the kids had a ball.
First things first…Congrats on that new granddaughter! What BEAUTIFUL grandkids you have, Terri!
Second…thanks for the cake recipe. I was looking for a perfect ending to the kickoff of sofa tailgating season and you just gave it to me!! (Plus, I have all the ingredients at home…BONUS!)
Thank you so much, Naomi! I'm thrilled with the latest addition to the family – she's beautiful. I hope you enjoy the cake!
Hi Terri,
What beautiful grandchildren you have – and Emily Rose is beautiful. Congratulations again! Loved seeing all the pics!
Really enjoyed your post – it's wonderful to once again see through a childs eyes and experience their journey with them.
Matthew is fantastic! Love the way his mind works!
Here is the link to my take on today's prompt. Hope you like it! http://wp.me/p1UhOl-7F
Thank you so much, Carlie! Yes, you can always rely on Matthew for a gem! Spending time with them this week is exhausting but wonderful.
Thank you for the link!
Lovely post. And I too thank you for the chocolate cake recipe.
Thank you, Elaine – and thank you for the link! I really identified with your post for today.
"We see, if for only a moment, the magic, and realize that this crazy old world truly is a wondrous place!" It really is. I think, as writers, it's very important to not lose the child living in all of us. :)
Day 9 post: http://www.jblearnstowrite.com/blog-flash-day-9-j…
I couldn't agree more, JB! Thanks for the link!
Congrats on your new addition! What a nice reprieve for me to see your darling grandkids. Mine have grown into cynical pre-teens, I'm told its just a stage. But its so nice to see and hear about that childish wonder I remember mine used to have too. I hope they retrieve that as they get older.
Oh, here's my post for today. Thanks for hosting this blog hop!
Thank you so much, Stacy! Having been through it all as a mother, it's so interesting to see it from this new vantage point as a grandmother.
I'd like to think we never truly lose our own childish wonder – perhaps we just have to work a little harder at giving it freedom!
It is amazing what children come up with. We had all 6 of the cousins together for the first time recently – 3 three year olds, a one year old, and two babies. Listening to the three year olds play together was hilarious. They can definitely help me see the world in a new way.
I'm sure that was wonderful to see, Angela! Spending time with children can quickly make you think we take the world a little too seriously! Thank you for the link!
Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos…what a beautiful family!
Wonderful post, it is truly amazing to see life from a child's perspective! (And even more amazing to eat delicious cake with them!) I will definately be making this recipe!
OK, I may have gone a little over in the word count for the first time, however I was so engrossed in my own memories that when I came back to reality, my post was a little over 200 workds…sorry everyone, but enjoy nonetheless!
Thank you so much for the link, Melina! I love how you've approached today's prompt.
And thank you so much for the lovely comments. My heart is truly swelling after all the wonderful words of the last few days!
Thank you for the photos Terri; you have a beautiful family. I started baking with my nieces when they were tiny tots, and have tons of hysterical videos on YouTube. I miss doing that with them, but I'll send them the recipe because they've emerged as young home chefs-YES!
Finally, here's one that put me back into a zen mood: http://donnalsadd.wordpress.com/2012/08/09/day-9-…
That's wonderful, Donna – I hope they enjoy the recipe! Thank you so much for the link to your beautiful haiku!
They are adorable! Thank you for sharing!
Here's my day 9: http://christinakrieger.com/2012/08/09/blogflash-…
Thank you so much for the link, Christina! I see Rowland is showing a steely side!
I love Matthew! Here's my post for today: http://www.livinglearninglovinglife.com/2012/08/b…
Thanks Amanda – he's a little treasure! Thank you for the link!
YUMMEH! Remind me to share with you another great one for kids where they can mix it in the pan it is baked in and all it needs is a dash of powdered sugar instead of frosting! My Willows fav!
Congrats on the new grandbaby! Congrats on being able to spend some amazing time with the rest of them! Sounds absolutely wonderful, though my daughter best not be doing it to soon! LOL'
Interesting how all these different interpretations are happening each day. This truly was so awesome!
Thank you, Kriss! I love collecting recipes so that would be fantastic. I'm so glad you're enjoying #BlogFlash2012. Thank you for today's link!
Gorgeous pics! And congrats on your newest grandchild!! Sounds such fun with all the games going on and the recipe sounds lush!!!
Here's my offering. xxx
Thank you, Lizzie! It's fun, but certainly exhausting!
Really nice photos Terri and a cake recipe to go with them. You are spoiling us today :)
You're very welcome, David!
Terri, I love your posts being centered around your grandkids. You must be having so much fun!! Anyway, here's my post. It's the ending of a much longer article so I hope it makes sense. It deals with a journey in my marriage. http://candylittle.wordpress.com/2012/08/09/promp…
I love reading about everyone's journeys. This is a great group!
Here we go Day 9!!
Day 9: http://stevenpaul-ashviper.blogspot.com/2012/08/b…
[…] Peanut Butter Cups from the US… well, the less said about that, the better!Related articles#BlogFlash2012: Day Nine – Journey / Terri’s Kitchen: Chocolate CakeDay 9 “Journey” (#BlogFlash2012 Haiku No.7)Journey #BlogFlash2012 Day 9Jump On Board For […]
Very nice posting. Your chocolate cake recipe looks delicious! I'll have to give that a try.
Great post Terri! Seeing the world through a child's eyes is magic, pure and simple…and somewhere we should all go regularly!
I was on my own journey yesterday so here's my post: http://www.thelastkrystallos.blogspot.co.uk/2012/…
Thanks for sharing the pictures and the stories, too! I didn't get to do my rounds yesterday, but here's my musical post: http://word2live.wordpress.com/2012/08/09/the-jou…
It's certainly fun! Crazy, but great fun. Thank you so much for sharing the link to your wonderful post. It is such full of feeling!
I agree, Heidi! I'm having so much fun reading everyone's new posts every day. Thank you for your link!
Thank you Joy!
Thank you Steven!
Thank you so much, Allison!
Thank you, Lisa – it's certainly been an eye opening week! Thank you for the link!
Thanks, Andrea – I love the video!
Hi Terri, Beautiful pics and congrats on the new addition. Your recipe makes me hungry for something sweet, going into the kitchen and look to see what ingredients are there and plan to cook this for my college aged daughter's birthday this month. The blog was entertaining too. Oh I remember when the three were that age, a photograph in my mind. Thanks for the memories, enjoy living your second childhood again through your grandchildren.
Very sweet post. :)
Here's mine:
Apologies for this post, my idea could not be contained in the word limit :)
So far behind… but I want to catch up! https://onemoreleaf.blogspot.com/
This holiday is slowing me down!
Thank you so much for the link, Rakel! Just do what you can – being inspired and having fun are the most important things!
I am trying to catch up on this. Thanks Terri.