I’m delighted to be hosting #BlogFlash2012 – 30 Days, 30 Prompts 30 Posts.
If you’d like to jump on board, it’s not too late!
Don’t forget to leave your “Day Twenty One – Night” post link in the comments below so I can stop by!
#BlogFlash2012: Day Twenty One – Night
When our daughters were babies, Dave woke up with them at night. With four little ones under the age of six, I was exhausted. By relieving me through the night, allowing me to sleep, he helped me manage my days. Now, when I have nightmares and cry out, he reaches over, lays a warm hand on my shoulder.
At night, when the house is quiet, the imagination jerks into overdrive, goblins disrupt the peaceful silence and problems-scaled to realistic proportion in daylight-magnify and grow monstrous. After dark, when I am my smallest and most vulnerable, he comforts me. This is what love is really about.
Word count: 109
I have night terrors that my parents could never wake me from. Now that I'm married I an pleased to report that my husband can not only wake me, but send the terrors away. I hope your own night troubles are few and far between.
Really nice post Terri.
Sounds like you have an amazing husband.
Yes, that's what love's about. I'm doing my best with two under three. I rarely am home from work until 2am. That's when I take our toddler to pee so he won't wet the bed, though he usually insists that mommy does it. However, he prefers I take him to the library for story-time with his little brother.
Thankfully Ie never suffered from night terrors, an occasional nightmare, but nothing more worrisome. What an amazing and supportive husband you have. Your last few words sum it up! Great post as always!
I've tried something a little different again today. Here's the link to mine http://wp.me/p1UhOl-9w
Hope you like it!
You're one lucky woman!
Hey, I'm finally back in the running. Here's my latest:
Aww… that was a very touching post! Love it!
Here's my day 21: http://christinakrieger.com/2012/08/21/blogflash-…
That's definitely what love's all about! My hubby calms me too when I need it.
This is Part Seventeen of Flood and things are starting to look up… http://thelastkrystallos.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/b…
What a beautiful piece. What a wonderful love you have!
Here is my day 21:
So lovely to share the dark night-time with someone special. Most of the writing today has been about the positive side of night, rather than the dark, spooky side.
I can't imagine having 4 under 6! I tried to do all the night stuff with our oldest because I could nap during the day when she did. With this little girl I've needed to ask for a bit more help although I still do most of the night stuff. Thank goodness this baby usually sleeps (although the other night she decided that 3 – 5 was playtime) since the preschooler still has a terrible time sleeping!
I have no idea why commentluv suddenly hates me everywhere but here is my post for today – http://librarygirlreads.blogspot.com/2012/08/night-blogflash2012-day-21.html
What a lovely relationship you two share. So inspiring…. I bet your babies came to know their Daddy in a different way, too. A man's tenderness, a man's differences and masculinity compared to Mommy. It is such a good thing…
Oh, nothing soothes a nightmare like loving arms and a soothing voice!! My grandchildren come downstairs to my room and snuggle up and I love chasing away the monsters with stories!! :)
My link for the day is here: http://www.sweetbananaink.com/2012/08/21/blog-fla…
The imagination can do strange and scary things at night for sure Terri. You're lucky to have a love beside you to chase away the beasts.
Speaking of beasts, I'm slowly coming along on the PC front.
Better late than never; Here's my Day 21-
Nice piece about love and making it through the night as parents. Here is mine, a different take on nightmares. http://jemcogdell.blogspot.com/2012/08/nightmare….
Because there be beasties in the shadows.
It always make me smile when I come here and read your sweet, real-life experiences.
…And then you come to my blog, and it's all dark and evil and murderous.
Ah well. ;)
Here's my dark, evil, murderous piece for today:
So glad I caught up with this post about night. it is a comfort what with all the sounds the house makes at night. I don't like Hubby not being around when he's working nights. He's absence makes me feel unsafe at night which is silly as i'm not scared of the dark and love my home. . strange how the dark makes us feel. thank you for your lovely post. xxx
Here's my offering of which I wish I had now written about being the house alone at night after reading yours. . . . .
Aww, that's so sweet Terri! I agree, that's what love is about: partnership. You're lucky to have found that.
[…] readers. Looky! We’re over two-thirds of the way through the BlogFlash2012 Challenge, with Day 21. I’ve got a very short piece for today, but I hope you enjoy […]
Day 21
Decided to change it up a bit tonight with my post. Hope you enjoy.
Wonderful post!! I've had night terrors but my friend's daughter used to wake up screaming. It was kind of frightening to hear her. Made me scared to think about what she was dreaming. http://candylittle.wordpress.com/2012/08/22/promp…
That does sound very unnerving – the poor girl! Thank you for sharing your link, Candy!
Once again I am almost caught up. http://wp.me/p2pf5s-1u3
Thanks Terri
Thank you so much, Suzie!
I'm so sorry to hear that, Heidi, but I'm so glad your husband is able to soothe you! Thank you for the link!
Thank you so much, Dave – I really do!
It's so wonderful that you're looking for ways to connect despite being out at work so late. We always push ourselves for our loved ones – as you say, that's what it's all about. Thank you for the link!
Thank you so much, Carlie! Yes, I definitely feel blessed!
I certainly am, Stacy! Thank you so much for the link!
Thank you so much, Christina!
I'm so pleased to hear that, Lisa! Thank you for the link!
Thank you so much, Melina!
Thank you so much for visiting, Lesley. I just stopped by your blog and I'm really enjoying your posts!
I'm sorry to hear that, Angela! I really hope she's able to settle into a pattern as she gets a little older. Thank you so much for the link!
Thank you so much, Julie! I loved your haiku today!
That sounds wonderful, Ruth! Thank you so much for the link!
Thank you so much, Donna! I loved your piece for the 'Night' prompt!
Thank you so much, Jean!
Not always – let's not forget you threw a little romance in there! Thank you for the link!
Thank you, Lizzie! I loved your piece – I thought you captured the atmosphere of the night ride perfectly!
Thank you so much, Andrea!
I really did, Joy! Thank you so much for sharing!