I’m excited to be joining in with The Indie Exchange’s #FlashFiveFriday event. The premise is very simple: five minutes flash blogging or flash fiction based on a prompt set by The Indie Exchange each week. This week the prompt is Turmoil.

The Guidelines

#FlashFiveFriday is a weekly flash fiction/flash blogging prompt.

The rules are very simple if you’d like to take part:

1) Write for no longer than five minutes
2) No upper or lower word limits
3) You must write something new
4) You can prepare your post ahead of time but the 5 minute limit still applies
5) If you add your blog post to the weekly linky (found at The Indie Exchange) you must visit five other blogs that week too to show your support


#FlashFiveFriday: Turmoil


Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others.‘ – Plato

#FlashFiveFriday: TurmoilPsychologists tell us there is a clear connection between external turmoil and internal strife. No wonder so many of us feel anxious, pessimistic, depressed. Never in my adult life have tensions run so high or the culture felt so fractured and divisive. Rudeness, accusation, name calling, snarkiness, zingers-all this hatefulness obscures thoughtful discourse, encouraging hostilities, causing turmoil, internal strife.

As an individual, I can’t change culture at large. But I can change the world directly around me. I can smile and project optimism- I can be kind-making my own small world a brighter place. Imagine if, for just for one day, we each did the same. Imagine rising waves of optimism. Imagine a world full of hope.