Welcome to the second BlogFlash event! The first (#BlogFlash2012) was so well received that we decided to run it twice yearly. It’s a great opportunity to get creative, meet other bloggers and get a new audience. Whether you join us for the full month or just a few days, the main aim is to have fun and be inspired. Anything else is a bonus. Worried about word count? Don’t be! It’s a guideline so the month doesn’t feel overwhelming but if you feel inspired to write more, feel free. Good luck!
#BlogFlash2013: Day Ten – Time
One day, British physicist Stephen Hawking believes, when we’re able to build a vehicle that can travel at high enough speeds, it will be possible to travel in time. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to visit a loved one who’s passed or the person whose life or philosophies shaped us? Or travel forward to see how the future plays out?
The problem with altering the fourth dimension is, of course, the butterfly effect. Any mark we leave in the past would necessarily alter the future. Perhaps the same would occur with travel into the future; assuming time is fluid, changing an outcome would affect the cause. Travel into the past, according to Hawking, is physically impossible. And herein lies the precisely problem: once we’ve gone forward-or once we’ve changed any circumstance in time-it is impossible to go back.
I’m neither brave nor daring; for me, an inability to return would be a dealbreaker. What about you?
Time Travel: Movies and Books
Here are award-winning columnist Dave Astor’s favorite time travel books (Huffington Post).
Here, from Metacritic, is a list of the best and worst time travel movies. The list was created in 2010, before the release of Looper-a wonderful, character-driven film about time travel.
Next prompt: Running (15th March)
Taking part? Please leave your post link in comments!
The whole idea of time travel is difficult for me personally: Would I really want to see future or visit the past? I think I wouldn’t.
In my post today I wish I didn’t have sense of time: https://merviemilia.com/blog
I can see the attraction of going back in time to see loved ones that have passed, but if I couldn’t return to my loved ones in present day I don’t think I could do it!
Here’s my thoughts on time: http://wp.me/p1UhOl-hY
I'd pass. Here's my time piece…get it- timepiece…that's it, I'm walking away from the computer now. :0) http://donnalsadd.wordpress.com/2013/03/14/blogfl…
I don't know that I'd trust myself with that kind of knowledge. I'm pretty sure it would inevitably lead to more problems. http://kimmydonn.com
Kimberly Gould That last line made me laugh. it is so true how time can just disappear and all our best laid plans become a mad frenzy. xx
I get all confused with time travel. it hurts my head! her's my rather fluffy entry for time. xx
I went  bit off track today, I wrote a rough post this morning that I then thought wasn't right for today, then when I sat down to finish it this afternoon I realised it had been posted in error but as it already had a comment I decided to keep it after all. http://dawn-hart.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/day-ten-t…
The different theories on the continuity of time are quite interesting, aren't they? Some posit that, if you were to travel back in time, you would jump into an alternate timeline which would break off from the moment when you arrive. Â Some thing that it's one unalterable timeline, so if something is going to happen, like time travel, it will already have happened, so your presence can't change something because it would have always had the same effect as it will have. Â All very mind-boggling.
The different theories on the continuity of time are quite interesting, aren't they? Some posit that, if you were to travel back in time, you would jump into an alternate timeline which would break off from the moment when you arrive. Â Some think that it's one unalterable timeline, so if something is going to happen, like time travel, it will already have happened, so your presence can't change something because it would have always had the same effect as it will have. Â All very mind-boggling.
Love the idea of time travel, as long as I could return to my own time. What I would like to do is make more time :) http://toscienceandbeyond.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/…
SyFy has an interesting show, Continuum, based on time travel. One of the main characters was caught up in the time travel of others and all she wants is to go back to her own time. I love how it jumps between the time they end up in (which is not the time they were aiming for) and the time when they started. So far we have not seen how their actions are affecting the future or if it is their actions that created the future as they knew it to begin with.
Here are my thoughts on Time: http://librarygirlreads.blogspot.com/2013/03/time-blogflash2013.html
I always think about time travel. It has always fascinated me!https://www.backwoodsauthor.com/blog/
Time to post another blog :)Â http://joykeeney.wordpress.com/2013/03/14/blogfla…
I am way behind in coming here and sharing but I will get caught up! I had fun with TIME today! http://cabingoddess.com/2013/03/just-another-four…
yes, a bit into the future to see where a selection of stocks/currencies are going so I can make enough money to write full time=)
The concept of time travel is really cool to read about in books. In real life, it's too complicated to even consider!
Linda Ulleseit http://flyinghorsebooks.wordpress.com
Excellent post Terri. Yes, paradoxes in the timelines are of the big issues with time travel. It took Marty McFly three films to get everything sorted in Back to the Future!Â
Here is Mr Kain's post http://diaryofmrkain.com/2013/03/blogflash2013-da…
elenchera That's very true, David!
LindaUlleseit It is a pretty intimidating prospect, Linda!
cabingoddess I'm so glad you had fun, Kriss!
LibraryGirlRead I find that a very fascinating aspect of the time travel debate: what are we changing? And if we were to change something that would result in us never being born, would it automatically undo, as without us being born we could never have made the change? It's mind boggling!
@Lesley Beeton Oh yes, I'd definitely buy one of those time machines if it could create or stop time!
@Aria Glazki It absolutely is, Aria! Every answer seems to raise a hundred new questions!
Miss_Biggun Thank you so much for the link, Dawn!
lizzie_loodles Thank you so much, Lizzie! Trust me, it makes my head hurt too!
Kimberly Gould I'm inclined to agree. We have enough problems learning from the past and applying those lessons to the present!
Donna L Sadd :). Thank you so much, Donna!
carlie2011c I'd have to agree, Carlie!
@tasselflower I think there's a tendency to think about time travel as a form of holiday but if it ever became a serious possibility I think we'd have to think about the emotional consequences very seriously.