Welcome to the second BlogFlash event! The first (#BlogFlash2012) was so well received that we decided to run it twice yearly. It’s a great opportunity to get creative, meet other bloggers and get a new audience. Whether you join us for the full month or just a few days, the main aim is to have fun and be inspired. Anything else is a bonus. Worried about word count? Don’t be! It’s a guideline so the month doesn’t feel overwhelming but if you feel inspired to write more, feel free. Good luck!

#BlogFlash2013: Day Twenty-One – SUCCESS!

Earlier this week, I suggested that wealth should not be a benchmark of success. Yet when money dominates the cultural dialogue, it’s easy to believe little else matters. In measuring ourselves by such artificial means, though, we dismiss the successes that actually matter. Here, to me, are 65 things that are truly measures of success.


#BlogFlash2013: 65 ways you can define success

How do you define success?

This is the final day of #BlogFlash2013 (March)! Thank you ALL for taking part, whether it was one post or 21, whether you wrote, read, visited, commented, shared or gave moral support. You ALL made #BlogFlash2013 (March) a SUCCESS!

Taking part? Please leave your post link in comments!