August marked 4 years since the original BlogFlash challenge (#BlogFlash2012), which saw bloggers and writers come together to share short posts every day for 30 days. A second BlogFlash challenge took place in 2013, along with a BlogFlash Halloween event. Since then the format has changed and #BlogFlashDaily prompts now allow for a more relaxed approach to the challenge. Posted every weekday, these prompts allow people to dip in and out as it suits them and then share any posts via the #BlogFlashDaily hashtag on Twitter, leave a comment on the blog with a link, or just keep their writing for their own enjoyment.
To celebrate four years of BlogFlash in its various forms, I’m giving away a $25 Amazon gift card. You can enter the giveway at the end of this post!
Of course, you don’t have to be a creative writer to use these prompts! You might be inspired to share an anecdote on your blog, draw something, or take a photograph. The whole idea behind #BlogFlashDaily was that it not be prescriptive. Instead, I hope that occasionally these prompts spark a little creativity – in whatever form you prefer – and that you feel able to use them in the way that serves you best.
From time to time, the prompt cards get a makeover, but for the time being the format is going to remain unchanged. However, I’ll no longer be titling these weekday posts as specifically “Writing Prompts.” Instead, they will be shared as creativity prompts but, as I hope they might provide a little flash of weekday inspiration, the name #BlogFlashDaily still seems very appropriate.
Thank you to everyone who has used these prompts and commented or been in touch about them. I’m thrilled whenever I learn that someone has made use of them and hope you will continue to share your creativity!
To celebrate four years of BlogFlash in its various forms, I’m giving away a $25 Amazon gift card. You can enter the giveway below.
I'd love to hear your thoughts!