Infographic: Untranslatable Words of Love from Around the World
The infographic, wonderfully illustrated by Emma Block, shares some of the greatest words of love from around the world.
The infographic, wonderfully illustrated by Emma Block, shares some of the greatest words of love from around the world.
This fun infographic looks at bookshelves belonging to some familiar faces and suggests 'You Are What You Read.'
This infographic from Fresh Essays suggests real life sources of inspiration for 10 fictional characters.
This beautiful infographic from Quotery showcases twenty inspiring children's book quotes.
This infographic from 7Brands shows 50 of the World's Most Translated Books, including The Hobbit and Huckleberry Finn.
Terri Giuliano Long is taking part in #bookadayuk, run by Borough Press. Today is Day 24. Follow along on Twitter!