Classic Quotes #72: A Week in Words and Pictures
Terri Giuliano Long shares the quotes that have inspired her this week, including words from Louis MacNeice and Richard Hugo.
Terri Giuliano Long shares the quotes that have inspired her this week, including words from Louis MacNeice and Richard Hugo.
Terri Giuliano Long shares the quotes that have inspired her this week, including words from Archibald MacLeish and Alexander Pope.
Terri Giuliano Long shares the quotes that have inspired her this week, including words from Boris Pasternak and Emily Dickinson.
Terri Giuliano Long shares the quotes that have inspired her this week, including words from John Dryden and Albert Einstein.
Terri Giuliano Long shares the quotes that have inspired her this week, including words from Gwendolyn Brooks and John Clare.
Terri Giuliano Long shares the quotes that have inspired her this week, including words from Frank O'Hara and Christina Rossetti.