Classic Quotes (89): A Week in Words and Pictures
Terri Giuliano Long shares the quotes that have inspired her this week, including words from Ross Perot and Henry David Thoreau.
Terri Giuliano Long shares the quotes that have inspired her this week, including words from Ross Perot and Henry David Thoreau.
Terri Giuliano Long shares the quotes that have inspired her this week, including words from Lewis Carroll and Edward Albee.
Terri Giuliano Long shares the quotes that have inspired her this week, including words from Sylvia Plath and Oscar Levant.
Terri Giuliano Long shares the quotes that have inspired her this week, including words from Madeleine L'Engle and Maya Angelou.
As part of a week-long feature, author Louis Cronin shares a second set of quotes from her new book, Everyone Loves You Back.
As part of the 'A Week with Louie Cronin' feature, Terri Giuliano Long invites Louie to share quotes from her new book, Everyone Loves You Back.