Literary World Trip: Pakistan, Phnom Penh, Cambodia and Tanegashima Island, Japan (Day 21) #litworldtrip
Day 21 of the Literary World Trip brings virtual stops in Pakistan, Phnom Penh, Cambodia and Tanegashima Island, Japan
Day 21 of the Literary World Trip brings virtual stops in Pakistan, Phnom Penh, Cambodia and Tanegashima Island, Japan
Day 20 of the Literary World Trip takes an usual detour off the map... to Heaven!
Day 19 - and the beginning of the final week of of the Literary World Trip - brings virtual stops in Nyeri, Kenya and Mombasa, Kenya
Day 18 of the Literary World Trip offers virtual stops in Puente de Triana, Spain, Oradour-sur-Glane, France and Terezin in (then) Czechoslovakia
The third set of UK Literary World Trip stops see virtual visits to Oxford, London and Folkestone. This is Day 17.
Day 16 of the Literary World Trip takes us to three virtual stops in Cornwall, England, UK.